on handgunning for elk in Kentucky.

There was a committee meeting today to send the handgun ban proposal on to the full committee. I was not able to attend as I have been wrestling all day with a kidney stone and have for the most part been losing. I did receive a call from the president of my sportsmans club and he had not yet heard the outcome.

That said, he did pass along some information that I wanted to share. In a pre-meeting last night at Bluegrass Army Depot, there was one well known and respected individual who spoke on behalf of handgun hunters. He just so happens to be the silhouette coordinator for the sportsmans club and is an avid handgunner. Apparently he did a great job in communicating and apprising members of the many strides made in hunting handguns over the past few years and indicated that skilled handgunners are effective at their trade.

But here is what I really wanted to pass on to you guys. Dr. Tina Brunjes of KY F&W indicated last night that she had been overwhelmed by e-mails and phone calls on this issue. She went on to indicate that this particular sector of people were the most respectful, polite, and knowledgable group that she has ever heard from in her capacity with F&W (apparently she has in the past gotten her ears trimmed back by folks on other issues).

First, I have no doubt that the members of this forum represent the lions share of people who have contacted F&W, and I was asked to thank you all. Second, I wanted to let you know that you were well received and that in itself could go a looooong way in the end. Thanks for your professionalism, it speaks volumes.

Now if we can just get them to agree to revisit the issue and talk about setting some standards for handgunning for elk in KY.

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