I do agree with you there as most people would who shoot the .45 factory load. But the .45 with those same weak loads has worked for well over 100 years for the cowboys and hunters who came before us. They didn't know they were shooting weak loads,so they just went happily along killing everything that needed killing with those same weak anemic loads .You can add the 44-40 38-40 32-20 and others to the list ,they used what they had at hand and put the bullets where they needed to be. Weak or not I sure ain't gonna stand in front of a 250 gr. .45 slug at 800 fps,and neither will anything else for long! We have it made as we can load up or down, go big or small ,cast or jacketed or full copper. I like them all and would never dog someones choice of caliber or what gun they shoot it in [much]and only in fun. .I have shot the .45 colt for going on 40 years though and it is a favorite,as is the Kel Tec 9 mm I call my American Express card, Cause I don't leave home without it!!!!!!!
