Originally Posted By: 240

I seen your modified SSK base on the FA 83... thats slick, I have a similar set-up but unfortunatly no rear sight.

Well, I tried to mount the Ultra Match Dot 30mm red this morning... it won't fit between the factory ruger mounts. Im going to order a Jack Weigand base. The down side is giving up the rear sight. I threw a 2x Leupold on the gun just for giggles ... I may leave it on the gun just long enough for a trip to the range. I went to the range last weekend with my father-in-law but was persuaded to just take Rimfire rifles. If we take too many guns to the public range it becomes a race to try and shoot everything before it gets too crowded, or you wait forever to change targets. I plan on heading out this week sometime by myself with nothing but 454's & 45 LC on my mind. Will keep you all posted on the results.

I could have saved you the touble on that one! The Ultradot 30 fits perfectly between the rings. I like the fact that the rings attach directly to the frame on the SRH, not requiring a base of any type. I had a base recently fail on my Bisley Hunter.

Max Prasac

Semper Fidelis

BIG IRON: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=L6aXjMH5C30

Gun Digest TV's Modern Shooter: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nGo-KMpXPpA&t=7s