I cannot overstate how tough Cape buffalo are and how important shot placement is. If you go into a hunt expecting your bullet to exit you're very likely going to be disappointed. Depending on where and what you hit, many bullets from a rifle or handgun will not exit. Solids from a big rifle often will but we shot several rounds into the shoulder of Mark's buffalo from the 475 Linebaugh with 420gr Bear Tooths and 454 325 gr. Barnes Busters from about 15 feet after it was dead and NONE exited. A shot was fired from a 458 Lott rifle with softs and it did not exit. The shot I would recommend for a handgun hunter is low on the back edge of the shoulder to take the lungs out. In the crease seems to be fine. My bullet exited but I doubt it hit any significant bone. Unfortunately I shot the bull at dark and we had to leave for the Kalahari that night so I didn't get to see the carcass after skinning & gutting.

Entrance Wound

Last edited by Gary; 08/17/2013 5:43 PM.

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