
My kaboom was magazine opening and slide opening ;^) I'm not going there again, if I can avoid it. In my case it was not a reloading problem per se, but gun bullet mismatch. That 255 got crammed in the case when feeding. That "kerchunk" feeding that was going on with that bullet was the road out ahead sign I missed. Drove right over the cliff........

There is an interesting thread going on over on one of the 1911 forums in reloading. Guys are talking a little about the bulge buster dies. The dies that iron out the bulged cases from high pressure loads matched with unsupported barrels. Yup, that is where I want to be working my brass, at the case head web with 35 or 40k psi going on :^(

I have worked with 308 brass with shot loads for the 1911. If I had an inside reamer, I would probably fiddle with it for the Super. I always thought that a reamed case would pretty much insure no feeding setback. Not a bad safety precaution. Alas, the Starline Super brass made me give up on that.


Northern born and Southern bred