Guys, I'm gonna make this shot and sweet. Had a stroke and it changed my life forever in that I can longer use two hands to shoot my rifle so I'm back to handgun hunting with one hand off a rest when available.
I have a 10" 30/30 Contender gathering dust in my safe and might bring it out for deer hunting in my field where the shots are 100 yards or less. Usually less.

All my life I have used a high shoulder shot on deer at moderate distances and have never needed a follow up shot or had to track an animal but I was using my 270 rifle and not a handgun. Would the experts here at HH consider the T/C 30-30 to be capable of this performance given the information posted above ???
I reload and could use a bullet/powder recommendation as well. I the past I've used Win.748 & Hornady 170s out of my M 64 Winchester for hunting and the T/C on paper.

Might want to add that with my handicap tracking in the woods is extremely difficult for me.

Dang West Virginia Hills !!!!! Ain't a flat spot on the property.

Thanks guys, WVS.

You learn a thing a day, you store up smart. Festus Haggen

Blued steel and open sights.

NRA Life