Little late but here goes. Opening day ... had hair soup for supper . Had a doe come sneaking through behind me 30 yds.Turned around ,shooting between the split trunk hemlock my stand is in I couldnt get steady. Switched to right hand leaning left shoulder agains tree for support. She slipped into a small opening and i sent a shot down range .. She jumped as if hit... ran 20 yds and stood in a thicket before sneaking off .Waited 20 minutes and checked for blood, only finding long white belly hair no skin or blood... looking around I find a branch clipped off about 5 yds from where she was standing...Hair soup doesnt have much taste and is a little hard to swallow.Tuesday evening same stand, I hear deer sneaking up from the bottom following the rock wall bordering my property...I cock the hammer on my sbhh and watch as a mature doe slips into my shooting lane .47 yds I let it bark and the doe blows up into the air crashing sideways rolling over gets up staggers off the property and down the hill . Contacted property owner let him know I would be doing a recovery .Too late to track and not knowing for sure on the hit ,hair and blood found at the shot , I opted to recover in the morning.Found first revolver deer not 50 yds from the shot under a fallen tree.Shot entered on second rib exited on oppisit sholder hitting both lungs and top of heart. I dont have picks .. Never thought to take them.Thursday I hunted the morning passing on a small 4 pt and 3 small doe's .While walking out to meet my wife for lunch at around 10:30 I had a huge doe come sneaking along on a path that would take acrossed the logging road Iwas walking . I had my shooting sticks so I rested my sbhh on the shooting sticks cocked the hammer and waited for her to enter the road way . Shot her on the shoulder at 20 yds as she stepped into the roadway, bang flop drt.Sorry still never thought to take pics .While its a big thrill to kill with the revolver I am a meat hunter and I process my own deer. Not having a cooler my biggest concern is dressing deer as soon as possable and get them in the freezer .I will try to remember to take pics before I break out the knife next time .

Thanks to all the guys on the board for the help and info.

congrats Tyler nice buck.

Last edited by nytracker; 11/24/2013 2:59 PM.

Save liberals from them selves, stich their sphincter closed so they cant talk out their arse