Hey guys I was lucky enough to harvest my first handgun deer. I have tried for 3 years straight with no success. I finally got it done though.

My girlfriend and I where walking back home from an uneventful hunt. We had heard shots all around us but never saw a deer. So we decided to call it quits. I was leading the way and roughly 100 yards ahead of her as we walked. We where within 125 yards of the house when I stopped to let her catch up. As I stood there I looked over to see a doe get up out of a thick bush and look around. She couldn't really see where I was and I quietly started to signal to my girlfriend to get over here so she could get a shot. We have been trying very hard to get her a chance at a deer as she has never shot one before. She was getting close but I was afraid the deer wasn't going to stand there much longer.
When my girlfriend was within 20 yards of me and possibly getting a shot at the deer, the doe decided she had had enough. She took off through the brush. I knew my girlfriend wasn't gonna get a shot so as the deer took off I raised my FA 454 and got ready. When it cleared a pipe line I touched the FA off and the doe dropped right in her tracks! I quickly put a follow up shot into her to make sure she was done. It was a VERY big doe and was a perfect animal to take on our QDM program. It was my first deer I have ever shot on the run and my first with a handgun to boot! The shot was around 30 yards. I am very happy with it. I tagged it than walked the 125 yards to the barn and grabbed my trusty golf cart to load her up. My girlfriend was a bit disappointed she didn't get an opportunity to shoot at it but that's how it goes I guess. At least we have some good meat now. My load was a 300 grain Speer deepcurl over 29 grains IMR 4227 out of a FA premier 454. The first shot had hit it high in the shoulder though the spine and the follow up center punched the leg bone up into the chest cavity coming to rest halfway up the neck. I weighed the bullet and it had expanded to over .85 cal while only loosing 20 grains. I am very impressed with the performance of the bullet. I wouldn't hesitate to use the deep curls on bigger game. This is my first of hopefully many deer taken with a handgun. Enjoy SS.