Thanks guys. If you believe in prayer send one up for Ella. She just wants to be normal like her friends. Right now she sees outlines but like you are in a baskeball gym with a 25 watt bulb lighting it. Her clear vision is only 12" from her eyes and its not great. In school she has a monitor set up and words go by in letters 12" tall right in front of her face. Even though she lost 1/3 of her brain in the accident (crushed between two trucks) she is very smart and bright. You will never meet a sweeter child. The vision loss is from the brain damage.

I am just thankful that we are able to make some of her dreams come true. I know some of those that read this wonder how she can hunt. Quite simply her uncle Trent and I become her eyes. She holds the rifle and pulls the trigger. We use a laser to aim the rifle because that is the best ideal I could come up with but we are open to suggestions. We have good places to set up blinds for her with lots of deer. She wants to hunt and asked her dad if she could. She is doing this of her own accord with a little help. You have never seen a kid more excited when she hears "Its down!". To see her holding the antlers up and grinning from ear to ear makes it all worth it.

Special thanks to Dale Riddle of Twelvepointer game calls for donating this weekends hunt. reflex264

"A quiet hit in the right place is better than a loud miss in the wrong place followed by 10 more shots on the run"

I was a handgun hunter, when handgun wasn't cool.....