No I haven't. I've pretty much switched over to lil gun. I use the H110 only in my 460 now, and I have stayed with H110 because that load, in that 460, shoots sub MOA at 200 yards easily. It is a tack driver, and I DO NOT want to change anything. So I keep the H110 that I do have and use it only for the 460, but the rest of my handguns are now shooting Lil Gun. They are doing very well with it, so I am happy with it. I am one of those that doesn't like to get a ton of different powders. I like to find two or three that run everything I have, and stay with those. For my wife's rifle, we use 4350. Those three powders, H110, Lil Gun, and 4350, run all the guns I have. Well, except for the shotguns, and I don't reload for those, yet.

I will look for the 475L brass for ya here. If I see any, I'll snag it for ya.

Last edited by raptortrapper; 12/29/2013 2:32 PM. Reason: spelling and clarification

A lot of people are like a slinky: Not much fun till you push them down the stairs!

Lifetime Member of the NRA! Wish I'd a done it sooner.