Your post caused me to go and inspect mine once again. Muzzle looks fine. Rifling looks fine, not flat on one side as you mentioned, but as I previously mentioned, the rifling on mine looks a little funny in the grooves. Don't know much about the finer points of rifling but it looks like it was cut with a tool half as wide as the grooves and then was moved over slightly and cut again. I'll try to post a better picture.
As far as the grip, it's a bit small in my hand to begin with and yes, there is a bit of a sharp edge. I may take a bit of sandpaper to it just so it's not a cutting edge.
Wish I could find a spare grip so I could play around with some customization and see if I can make it fit my hand better. If anyone has a source for grips please let me know or maybe I'll try calling CVA.


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