Ive wanted a 329PD since I first saw them, but just seem to find other things to get before I have all the money saved up for it!??
How are they overall for holding up/reliability? I've heard/read that most are UNhappy with them and don't waste my money ..? I would love to have one, but if its a "Problem Child" maybe I should put my $$$$ towards something else (like a 629 Competitor)or BUY BOTH,,, LOL ??? I have a few guns in 44mag ((S&W 29-2, Ruger SBH, Marlin 1894P and an 1894CB)) and its my favorite caliber by far, so I know we just CANT have too many 44mags!!! I appreciate any/all feedback that you give. I handload so it wouldn't have to be digest full snort loads constantly...

Thank you

Last edited by BloodGroove4570; 01/11/2014 9:09 PM.

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