Any machine can have problems. Even a revolver. You have one that you paid a premium for the s/w logo. That logo comes with good customer support. Use it and get it fixed. Once fixed, you will either be comfortable with it or not. That is a call only you can make. If you are comfortable, keep it. If you aren't, you have to decide what to do with it. Are you comfortable with selling a 'problem gun'? If you bill it as such you will get less for it, but you will get more out of it, maybe.
I would contact the manufacture and see what they are willing to do. I have worked with them just once, but they were more than reasonable.
I've always wanted to shoot one of them. I'm a fan of the .44 myself, just never had the opportunity to shoot one yet. I heard someone say they were mad of 'hurtyourhandium', then I was watching the movie 'Avatar' and they were there to mine 'unobtainium'. I had to wonder what kind of hand cannon you could make with that.
