
How are you liking that 625pc? Have you ran any 45 Super through it? I've heard of other guys doing that without issue. The ability to run 45 acp for lots of trigger time in the summer would be great, having an unscoped revolver in 45 Super would be even better! I LOVE the idea of a lighter revolver to carry in the woods when I'm doing more walking than sitting.

 Originally Posted By: Bearbait in NM
That's a beaut.


How does that ordering work with the PC. Do you order directly, with all the things you want, then pick it up at your FFL? Or does it all have to originate with your FFL?

I ask, as the cover on your book sure got me S&W bit. I just picked up a 625PC in 45acp, and I really like the modern racey lines of the big PC guns.
