Got out and shot some CEB's again today.

I was a little windy, but still fun to be shooting.

Today's shooting was done with my Ol'Reliable SBH 44mag

Groups were shot with the Raptors, but I also shot a box of 240gr cast bullets over 10gr Unique just for fun.

.429 200gr CEB Raptor in 44 mag
21gr Ramshot Enforcer
Rem 2 1/2 LP primer
Mixed brass
Ruger SuperBlackHawk...(yeah "the" real one with the square trigger guard)

7 1/2inch barrel

Factory Iron Sights

Velocity=1486-1490fps most shots stayed within 10fps, but with the mixed brass and the fact that I didn't really crimp these.. I did get some extreme spreads as low as 1438 fps and a high of 1504 fps for the 18 rounds that I chronoed.

Accuracy...was still great as far as I am was a little tough getting a good sight picture with the factory irons in todays light... I had really good success Raptors, hitting my various range targets from kneeling as well as over-the-hood sandbags.

My targets are a 4ft square pallet on a post at 100yrds, Several Bar-b-Q propane tanks (empty setting on rebar) at 150,240 and 290yards. A 20" yellow plastic livestock tub at 266yards and a 2/3scale buffalo at 250yards.

I managed to put some great hits on all my targets today and shot 2 nice (for me) groups on paper. The propane tank at 290yards was a tough hit today!! But there is no doubt when you hit it,,,the propane tanks really Sing when you hit em'.

I was thrilled to put several hits on the livestock tub from kneeling field position...the plastic THUMPS nice and loud when you hit it
The bufflao is pretty much a "Gimme" from the sandbags...but still quite challenging from field position.

Here are some of today's Pics:

My range..little hard to see the targets, but you can make out the pallet and maybe the buffalo(if you look hard)

Looking back from the Buff

100 yards on the pallet Iron sights

And the Crow at 100 yards Iron sights!...these little stick-on's provide a real nice, small aiming point against the white pallet

Mister, why do you carry a 45? "Because Sam Colt don't make a 46."