That's a bummer.
I do have some means to hunt, I have a Montana horseback packin elk hunt (approx. $5,500) scheduled for mid Sept. But like you say finding guys who can afford the time and $$ is hard. I would like to hunt with my sons but they're all to busy with work and raising families so am looking for guys that can come out and play. I live in western Washington and put out a feeler on a local forum for handgun hunting buddies, all I got was a few guys telling me about the handguns they own and how they prefer to bow hunt. One guy said "count me in" but doesn't own a handgun yet. I'm not waiting before and after the Montana elk hunt I plan on hunting bear, deer and elk in my state alone. I'm 64 and can't wait around, I'm huntin. Thanks Gary for Handgun Hunter Magazine its where I go just to hear from other like minded guys.

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