
I can't give you the load data at this time because I don't have access to my load data. I will say it's a very hot 45 colt load using a good amount of H110; only for an FA. I got the load from jamesfromjersey back when I first got my FA 454C; I also have a 45 colt cylinder. I didn't have 454 brass or dies at the time and brass was very scarce at the time. I had access to 45 colt brass and wanted 454C performance. I'm not positive, but I think James got the load from a John Taffin article in a FA's associations news letter or something. Bottom line is; I don't have access to data, but when James sees this, he may be able to fill you in.
Better yet, you may want to shoot James a PM. Sorry I'm no help.

It takes 43 muscles to frown and 17 to smile, but only 3 for proper trigger squeeze.