For 100 yards and under, I have two guns dedicated to this. Both are Rugers. One is a custom 500JRH from Jack Huntington. The second is a Bisley SBHH in 45 Colt with the 7.5" barrel. Either one of them can take the game you mentioned without even blinking. I shoot hardcast out of both, and if I had to give up one of them, I couldn't do it.

I'd sooner give ya my left arm than one of those two guns. Granted, it would be hell to shoot the 500JRH without my left arm, but I'd still give ya my arm first!!!

I also only shoot one load. I like to find what works, and I stay with it. I do have a backup load figured out for both guns, but it is for "just in case" scenarios, like not being able to get certain components or something.

Last edited by raptortrapper; 03/26/2014 9:00 PM. Reason: Cause my brain works faster than my fingers

A lot of people are like a slinky: Not much fun till you push them down the stairs!

Lifetime Member of the NRA! Wish I'd a done it sooner.