I am going to copy what some of the participants posted elsewhere:

First thing, I want to thank Ernie for putting on the shoot and opening up his home for us to meet up. Deborah and I had a great time meeting and having fellowship with everyone. I'm already planning for the 2015 WY-Shot!!
Here is a few photos I was able to take, was having too much fun shooting dogs and steel to take many pictures.
My first shot and first dog, around 160 yards, 17 rem.

John with one of his many p.d. kills

John and Adam surveying a pd town

one of the valleys we set up on to shoot dogs, what some beautiful country

letting my barrel cool down from dusting dogs :)):

a few of the guys taking a break before the steel shoot.

a few of the targets scattered across the hill side

Steve and Adam checking out the pd destruction

YEP!!, there are targets way over in them hills!

group picture after the awards

Erik and Chuck having a close personal moment :)):

Our winners, Erik, Chuck, and Shane

2015 can't get here quick enough!!

Another participant:

The 2014 WY-SHOT P-Dog hunt was a complete success for Hoggin and me. After a long drive, we made it out to Gillette and met up with Ernie and the crew. We knocked out for a brief nap after the 24+ hour drive and got up and at 'em.

Everyone gathered at Ernie's place and we all had a good meet and greet with everyone. A short time later we all loaded up and headed out to get the steel set up for the steel shoot. This being my first trip to Wyoming, all I can say is that the drive was great heading out to the steel shoot site, The vista was absolutely breathtaking on the drive out.

Here was Hoggin as we rode out........

The view from the car........

Once we arrived, we got a good look at the area as the members set up the steel.....

Sawcarver and Hoggin.....

sscoyote, Ernie and Hoggin......

rickiesrevenge, Shane and tgp in the background.......

After all the steel was set up, everyone headed back in and we had a get-together at Ernie's and we all got our bellies full and enjoyed some good company. Got to meet a lot of the members and put a face to the name. A good time was had by all, good food and better fellowship!

Afterwards, everyone headed out and we got a good night's sleep in preparation for day one of WY-SHOT. The next morning, everyone met up at Ernie's.......

We loaded up and hit the road to get the day started. Dustmoahunter got Hoggin and me on a good prarie dog town that morning and we sat up to smoke some p-dogs. We made our first set on a well cap and I got the .17 Fireball out along with the .257 Roberts XP Hoggin was toting.......

I whacked several at the first set and Hoggin lit several up to boot. Hoggin tagged a couple with a Walther PPK .32 ACP and got the first double of the day with the XP at 200 yards.......

We later moved on around and made another set where we spent the rest of the day. We took a slew of p-dogs that afternoon with a myriad of different firearms from .22 LR's to the 'Tender and XP.......

The following day, Hoggin and I set up in the same locale as the day before, we sat out solely with the .22's on the begging of day two. Hoggin toted Ernie's MOA Charger clone with a Sightron SIII. We got a quick zero and lit in on the p-dogs, Hoggin with the MOA and I toted my 10" TC .22 match with the 3x12 Burris. Hoggin set the p-dogs on fire with the MOA!!

Hoggin managed three outta three hits at 257 yards with the MOA!! All I could say was WOW!! Two managed to drag in the hole, but we got a photo-op with one recovered dog......

I managed to wear them out with the l'il TC as well, cleaned out and entire mound.......

Later, I managed my personal best with the .17 Fireball MGM, took a double at just over 200 yards and made my longest hit with it at 332 yards. Towards the latter part of the day, we limped over and shot a stage or two on steel and flew back in on the p-dogs to round out the evening.

Hoggin got the Buckmark out and proceeded to rick up dog after dog with the little fella. He took this brace off-hand and close to 100 yards.......

I went to work with the .17 yet again, clearing out several at close to 290 yards. Got two to stay out of the hole for a photo op but lost 8-10 more as they fell into or got back into the holes.......

The tally between Hoggin and myself was well in excess of 150 dogs between us for both days. This, was by far, the most fun anyone could ask for!! I managed to cobble a short video together of the hunt here.......


I want to say that it was great getting to meet all the guys during the shoot. It was well worth the 24+ hours we drove to get to Gillette. And I want to extend a VERY SPECIAL THANKS to Ernie for getting this put together. Another HUGE THANKS to Hoggin and the rest of the sponsors that donated items for the shoot!

We're already planning for next year and lookin' forward to the trip!!

Ernie the Un-Tactical