Originally Posted By: 500WE
One other cautionary note when using the side of a tree for a rest: be mindful of the B/C gap and Magnaport slots, or you may get a cheek full of cedar splinters. Don't ask me how I learned this lesson many years ago ... but it made a lasting impression.
Ken O'Neill

Ha! I "almost" learned that same lesson shooting a doe with a Smith 686 about 20 years ago! I had bark embedded in my eyebrows. Fast forward a few years and I didn't pay attention one time in college and blew a hole in both knees of my pants shooting from the sitting position and didn't realize the cylinder was so close until the 44 went off. Warm way to learn a lesson but I haven't forgotten it after the SECOND time, hence the leather on the backpack

"Better to Remain Silent and Be Thought a Fool than to Speak and Remove All Doubt"