Originally Posted By: leverman
 Originally Posted By: KRal
That was a good morning! Our squirrel season opens in another week; can't wait.
Squirrels eat all our paw paws around here before they get ripe. Congrats on a good hunt!

What the HeXX is a paw paw?????

Sorry for my ignorance but I have never been in the southern US and am not familiar with a paw paw.

also known as the timber banana because they taste similar to a banana only much sweeter and richer tasting. when I was a kid the trees would be loaded with fruit but now for some reason you hardly ever find them, there are lots of trees but they don't seem to bare fruit.

"The reason a dog has so many friends,He wags his tail instead of his tongue."

"I don't always listen to Black Sabbath,But when I do so do the neighbors"