Greetings from Michigan...

Thank you all for such a helpful and active website. Despite having grown-up on the edge of Chicago...that is Crook...or excuse me...Cook County, Illinois...I have had opportunity to enjoy firearm hunting and various shooting sports for most of my years. Having four brothers and a father from the "old school" of WWII who began his days in southern Indiana was a plus. I started with a Remington Nylon 66...and yes my children have used it.

Over the years I have had a particular interest in revolvers of all types and this was my entrance into reloading almost 3 decades ago. The .45 Colt/S&W Schoefield are favorites. A cap and ball Ruger Old Army (a gift from my wife) was the gateway to the world of original black powder and as a family there have been many pounds of GOEX and long hours on the ranges in Friendship, Indiana and elsewhere.

I have many times considered handgun hunting however even in a hunting state like Michigan and in several gun clubs there were very few handgun hunters and most with a passing interest. After reading Big-Bore Revolvers I had more to work with and now plan on my first deer hunt....handgun style....this Fall.

BTW my career is in medical diagnostic imaging and therefore the name and picture of Wilhelm Roentgen who in 1895 discovered something called "x-rays" and started a whole new industry.

For we are his workmanship, created in Christ Jesus for good works, which God prepared beforehand, that we should walk in them. Eph. 2:10