I agree with Kyode the best time of the year to scout is in the post season after the season closes. That gives away travel patterns old trails, rubs, scrapes that at other times of the year it may be to thick to see. This time of the year from now to late summer I spend in the woods checking food sources to set up on and hunt during early season.I like to take my binoculars and check the tops of oaks to see what the acorn crop could be come sep-nov. Then Like Gary said I hunt does if you find them come the rut you'll find the Bucks.Another good thing to do during this time of the year if you have oaks on you hunting property is put some fertlizer to them it may not pay off this year but it will in the next 2-3 years individual oaks tend to Bumper out down here in my neck of the woods only once in 2-4 year cycles.Any time in the woods though at any time of the year can be positive I just don't think you can scout to much as long as your careful about your scent.