For Jeff archr610:

I wrote the PA Game Commission and received a written response to my inquire, Is it Legal to hunt in PA with a Cap and Ball Percussion Revolver? The Answer is a YES But Only During the Regular Season. Enclosed bellow is the letter and response as posted on my International Black Powder Handgun Hunters Group.

Date: Mon, 30 Sep 2013 10:02:34 -0400
Subject: RE: Hunting Big Game with Percussion Revolvers

Mr. Ojamaa,

Cap and Ball pistols qualify as “manually operated” revolvers and are legal for taking big game during the regular firearms season, but not the flintlock or muzzleloader seasons. We cannot comment on the bullet he references as there is not enough information to determine legality. If you want a definitive answer you should submit product samples to the Game Commission Bureau of Wildlife for evaluation.

You can send it to PA Game Commission

2001 Elmerton Ave.

Harrisburg, PA 17110-9797



From: Kaido Ojamaa []
Sent: Monday, September 30, 2013 9:07 AM
To: GM, Comments
Subject: Hunting Big Game with Percussion Revolvers

Greetings To Whom It May Concern:

I am the inventor of a series of specialty bullets for Cap and Ball Percussion Revolvers. The Bullets are Round Flat Nosed Stepped that I named after myself known as the "Kaido Universal Stepped Bullet" series, they make a Cap and Ball revolver into a very effective big game hunting implement. Concern by myself as a hunter and my hunter customer base about the legality of using our Cap and Ball Percussion revolvers during the Regular Hunting Season for Big Game; Bear, Deer and Elk in Pennsylvania is why I am writing. Please clarify if it is legal to hunt big game in Pennsylvania during the regular season or any other season with cap and ball percussion revolvers?

Thank You,


Kaido Ojamaa

Last edited by VKV; 01/19/2015 3:28 PM.

Kaido Ojamaa VKV Inventor of the VKV BG (Big Game(Universal Bullet)series that achieve Magnum Power in Percussion Revolvers,for Hunting Big game.The Bullets have been tested by 2 known Gun Writers.