I know everyone loves heavy hardcast. I do too. BUT, the one animal I have taken with one was a mid sized Alaskan bull moose. It was with my 450 Marling guide gun. 420gr at about 1850fps. While the moose died in a reasonable amount of time, I was not overly impressed. There were 2 solid chest cavity shots (through & through) that showed no effect (I knew he was dead, but he didn't), & I finally put him down with a spine shot above the shoulders. All of this was at around 100yds. I have been in on enough moose kills to know they have a habit of walking a ways when hit, but when it's downhill away from the vehicle I don't like that :-)

So that is my very limited experience. With that in mind, I have considered going to something like the Hornady XTP (400gr) for my 480 Ruger.
Critters I get to run across on a semi regular basis are moose, black bear, & brown bear.
My current load has a Lee 400gr cast from wheel weight material & water quenched at dropping at just shy of 1200fps as I recall (data not here)& is as accurate as I am.
Gun is 7.5" SRH with 30mm Ultradot.
Even better, Experience

Vance in AK.

Matthew 6:33
"But seek first the kingdom of God and His righteousness, and all these things shall be added to you."