Originally Posted By: SEAK
DA is no real advantage over SA. I have had people say but what if your thumb goes out of action and I say without a thumb you can't fire any handgun as you can't hold it. For real up close remember that bears long hair is wanting to tangle into anything that moves and can tie up cylinders and slides. Best thing don't think bears but carry what you shoot best and if something does happen do what you can do and know you gave it your best.. Bear kill with their teeth 99% of the time and use their feet like we use out hands.

Chances of that are about as great as a bear attack, slim and none. Bears do attack and people do get attacked by bears but if you use common sense and diligence the chances are slim and none. If I were to be attacked, and had a broken/disabled thumb I figure I'd just use my weak hand to shoot with, or wait for the forthcoming lightening bolt to kill the bear. Single action, double action, triple action, I can still shoot with the weak hand, maybe not as well but can still shoot.