I'd had one of my dogs bitten by a Copper head (best guess) and really put a hurt on her. She was bitten in the back leg. My sister (who is also my vet, and lets her brother bring dogs to her kitchen on Sundays) said that a nose or front paw bit indicates the dog messing with the snake, but a back leg bite the dog was just walking past and got bit.

Work of advice, don't bite my dogs, I get upset.

A week or two later I was out in the rather over grown part of the garden picking the last of the years red raspberries. Thicket might be a good word to describe the area. Anyway, I've got a full tray of raspberries in one hand, and I see this sizable copper head right at my feet.

I read lots of posts about folks who carry rat or snake shot for snakes. Seems that is 'the' reason to carry a wheel gun. I'm here to tell you, a little concentration on the front site and some trigger control and a 147gr jacketed hollow point 9mm will blow the butt off an copper head. I went and got a rake and went looking for the bitey end of him. He was curled up and ready for round two. This was no wimp of a snake. Another jhp on the nose took the fight out of him though.
