Hi Guys,

Well, lets see. I'm not one to talk about myself, but you won't know me if I don't. I live in Colorado, and have hunted for muley, elk, and bear since 1952. Yes, i'm an old fart who's 72, but who's counting? As you can tell by my name my preferred method of hunting is still hunting. It's what my dad taught me to do as a youngster, and i've stayed with it. It might not be the most effective way to hunt, but I find it rewarding, and enjoy it.
For the majority of my hunting i've used a Win 94 in 30-30 for my hunts. The last 5-6 years i've used a muzzleloader. Awhile back I had cancer removed from my cheek, and it left it very sensitive to recoil. I've always loved handguns, and shot CAS for many years using a couple of Colt 1860's. I've also carried a Taurus Tracker .44 mag with me when in the mountains for the just in case situations. I've never had to use it.
I've always been interested in handgun hunting, but never got around to trying it. I've never taken a shot over 100yds in all my years of hunting, and most were in the 50yd, or less range. Still hunting, and close shots go together. I've always used open sights in all guns, and will stick with that for handgun hunting. My vision stinks, and i've lost the sight in my right eye, but i'm stubborn about giving up open sights. I just get closer.

So, that's about where I am now. A new handgun hunter at 72, but pretty excited about it. I'm not sure if I should hunt with the Taurus, or get something bigger like a Redhawk, or maybe a 629. At my range it seems the 4" barrel on the the Taurus should work ok. It did ok for Elmer Keith, but I don't claim to be close to his talent.

Anyway, i'm glad to be here, and i'm sure i'll have a few questions now and then.
