My boy wanted to go shooting today, so we broke out the Colt 1911-22lr and headed to the range. Told him we were going to do something different today. Up until now, he's always shot supported with any weapon he's fired. Rifle or handgun, he was always on a bench with rest or prone with bipod. We always worked on fundamentals. Sight alignment, sight picture, breathing, trigger control, etc.

Today, I wanted to try him standing unsupported with a pistol. Just to see how he did.

Set the steel target at 15 yards and showed him how to correctly hold the gun and position his body. We rehearsed a few times and went over safety measures again. He said he was ready, so I loaded up the gun.

First shot..........BANG! DING!! The boy nailed it.

He brought the gun back to position 3 like we'd discussed...........looked up at me and said, "I LOVE this gun!!"

He's never said that before. Ever!

We proceeded to work through the 10 round magazine. One shot at a time. With each shot, a refresher on grip, stance, trigger control, sight alignment.

By the end, he was tired and hot. But, smiling from ear to ear.

I am immensely proud of my Little Man.

Last edited by Zee; 07/12/2015 10:43 PM.

"To Hell with efficiency, it's performance we want!" - Elmer Keith