I didn't want to hijack another thread that is going on at the moment, but still want to discuss this a little bit. "Soft hardcast" bullets seems like an oxymoron to me. Therefore, I'd like to ask the experts to delve into this subject a little bit if they don't mind.

One the other thread, we were talking about brown bear hunting, and taking out both shoulders. Hardness of the bullet started to become a topic, and one I don't know a lot about. I've only recently come in to shooting hardcast, and have yet to take a critter with hardcast. Hopefully, this will be my year though.

Here is what I am wondering about...

As far as the bullet being too soft, I would think if you wanted it to mushroom, you would be better off using a JHP of some sort. Maybe an XTP, XTP MAG, or A Frame type bullet. A bullet designed to expand rather than a hardcast that mushrooms seems to be the better choice?? But I know that when ya get to a point that it is to hard, it becomes brittle, and that isn't good either. So I would imagine that velocity plays a big part in what happens with hard cast bullets.

What application would you use a "soft" hardcast bullet, and wouldn't an appropriate JHP do a better job??

Thanks, Masters!

Last edited by raptortrapper; 08/17/2015 5:50 PM. Reason: Fat fingers

A lot of people are like a slinky: Not much fun till you push them down the stairs!

Lifetime Member of the NRA! Wish I'd a done it sooner.