The best way I can summarize it...jacketed performance in a cast bullet. As a lifelong jacketed shooter, I understand the confusion...expansion = jacketed, right? That is what I thought, until I used the soft cast HP's firsthand.

The main application for me is that I can run the soft cast HP's at subdued velocities (read: recoil) and still get tremendous expansion with the bullet.

For example, the .475 cal 400 gr XTP is a hard bullet - so much so that it takes pushing it hard, even out of the Linebaugh to get it to expand much at all on game. But sixshot's cavernous 385 gr HP run at a modest 1050-1100 fps? Nearly 2x expansion without the recoil of a maxed out 475L. I took 2 deer last season with that bullet, with impressive wound channels on both, complete penetration, and instant "incapacitation". Nearside/entrance wound channel was significant, demonstrating rapid expansion.

Now I know my sample size of 2 whitetail deer may not be a good predictor of performance on significantly larger animals or dangerous game, but I would point to Glenn's use on a bull bison, James' use on hogs, and Sixshot's own experiences on western game. I'm a believer, and the bullet is my go-to out of my 6" FA going forward.

Lest you think I'm a complete cast convert, my other 475 choice is the 275 Barnes x-bullet out of my 9" scoped Linebaugh, at the upper end of the velocity window...recoil is, ummm, sporty