Man, talk about peaking at the right time! My 500JRH, with open sights, is really shooting well. I put 5 shots at 50 yards in a group I could cover with my hand. For me, that is a GREAT group. And I'm able to do it over and over.

My confidence in this revolver is at an all time high heading into hunting season. Our season starts September 1st, and I can't wait.

Just for grins-- the load is a 440gr WFNGC over 10.8 grains of Titegroup. From all I've been reading, and from listening to those with more experience than I have, slowing my velocity down (to about 1000fps) will allow this particular bullet to be even MORE effective down range. I have taken those suggestions to heart, and gotten rid of the H110 load... for now. We will see what happens.

A lot of people are like a slinky: Not much fun till you push them down the stairs!

Lifetime Member of the NRA! Wish I'd a done it sooner.