The first time I took a handgun big game hunting I took a T/C Encore pistol in 500 S&W along with my rifle. I told myself anything inside 75 yards (was in a stand with a rail) and I'll use the handgun anything longer I'll use the rifle. Well a little buck shows up right about at 65 yards give or take a few (no range finder at that time). I had never hunted big game with a handgun at the time so even though I know it would have been an easy shot I used my rifle. I guess I sort of had an epiphany that day that to truly commit to using a handgun for big game I have to leave the rifle at home. Now living in a different state with goofy antler laws and a million GMUs each with different regulations I find myself hunting deer in the early archery season so I can get meat in the freezer again. Last year my wife and I each ate tag soup. To clarify the modern firearms season is three points on one side or bigger to be legal, early archery is the same but antlerless deer are also legal. It's hard where I hunt to even find a legal buck let alone take one with a handgun. I wish they would allow handgun hunting during the muzzleloader season and just call it "alternate methods" or something.Perhaps I'll give elk and bear a rip with a handgun if I get a deer in the freezer.