Originally Posted By: briarhopper
If you will re-read my post, you'll have to admit that no one actually tried to determine anything for you specifically. I said a man most likely will have to be in one camp or another, it's a rare man that can be in both. If you state here that all of the shots that you have made hunting, these shots that you say some would call irresponsible, have been successful and that they have not resulted in any wounded, lost game, I will believe you.

If , however, these extreme shots you're so proud of have resulted in wounded lost animals from time to time, then I reserve the right to personally continue to consider such practices irresponsible, unethical and born of an immaturity founded on arrogance.

You may hold fiercely to the right to do as you please, but you cant turn around at the exact same time and berate those who exercise their own right to dare express a personal opinion regarding those actions of yours. You cant have it both ways.

Its a discussion of opposing views. Relax and discuss

What he said ^^^

Rod, too.

Short cuts often lead to long recoveries.