Got this gray squirrel this morning with my grandfather's Ruger Mark II. The wind was blowing nonstop and most of the trees still have their leaves, so hunting was difficult. At about 7:45, I saw one moving through the trees toward me. She perched on a fallen branch, and I took the shot. I missed, and she jumped onto a nearby tree, looking around for the source of the noise. Fortunately, that provided me with an even clearer shot. I doubt she was even 10 yards away. No video, unfortunately. Forgot to grab my GoPro.

Entrance wound:

That squirrel is my first ever handgun kill of any size. For the first time in my three and a half years of hunting with a handgun, I can truly call myself a handgun hunter!

Formerly TN Lone Wolf

"We are only as strong as we are united, as weak as we are divided." - J.K. Rowling