Hunted last week at Gary Reeder`s Handgun Hunters Challenge at the Wilderness Ranch in Monterey, Tennessee and was able to drop this trophy boar using my Freedom Arms 500 Wyoming Express. The handload used a Swift 325 grain A-frame over 30.0grs of LilGun lit by a WLR primer. The front sight was a Ken O`Neil post with a spot of white-out... I was in a raised box blind and the idea was for the guides three Jack Russell terriers to flush the boar out of an incredible thick valley and take the shot when things were right. After sitting for awhile a four wheeler rode up and the guide said that the boar only flushed to a pond because those crazy little Jack Russell`s were bitting his back legs and they could not get to him with his back to the water. I holstered my 500 and we rode back to the pond where I found a beautifully, huge, solid black boar trying to tear up the three small Jack`s... Stopped around 50 yards away with the boar`s rear end facing me. After a second or two he turned almost broadside facing to my left. With the dogs out of the way I quickly lined up the iron sights and touched off one of the A-frames. The shot was a nice double lung with the bullet exiting and hitting the water. The boar took off and before the dogs could catch up I hit him again dropping his back legs and then one more for good measure... There was some very heavy rain and I did not take the usual photos I normally do and the reason I say this is because these pictures do not do justice to show this magnificent creature. The boar was in the 350+lb. range with four men loading him onto the four-wheeler. The head guide asked me if I was going to mount him and when I said I was only having the teeth board mounted he told me the lodge was going to have a full body mount made. I have to wait for the cutters to be shipped to me so I can measure them against the teeth from my number one boar to see if they are larger. They were good... The skinners recovered two of the Swift A-frames and after weighing and measuring them I found them to be as consistent as the 41 Swifts I recently wrote up. For me, they are the best jacketed handgun hunting bullet I can buy.... The first 50 caliber-325 grain Swift expanded to .686" and weighed 310.4 grains losing 14.6 grains while the second expanded to .725" and weighed 318.3 grains losing only 6.7 grains..PHOTOS -The top pictures clearly shows the entrance hole while right recovered bullet weighed 310.4grs and the left bullet weighed 318.3grs

Life member-NRA-SCI
Member-HHI #2900-HHASA #067
Colt-Ruger-Freedom Arms-and S&W Collector Assoc.s
"I have more guns then I need but not as many as I want" "Handgun hunters HAVE to be good"