If your goal is a blood trail keep in mind that most blood comes from the exit wound or the nostrils of a lung shot animal. Use a big enough round and a heavy bullet to realistically expect an exit wound. If the bullet is poorly placed or it does not exit you may get little or no blood. I strongly prefer a large caliber pass thru in any situation with any animal.
Getting back to your original point. It is likely that a poorly placed SWC that stays in the animal will not have much blood.

Second- a deer shot through the heart / lung area with any bullet could run 100+ yards even with a perfect shot. I never expect a DRT (dead right there) shot. If you want to anchor a deer you need to spine them or break both shoulders. Thats really hard on the meat supply.

"Therefore go and make disciples of all nations,... "
Matthew 28:19

Handgun hunter since 1979 - haven't used a rifle since!
HHI member #992, NRA, SCI.