Two PM's so far. Main issue is the "fair to good." Of course everybody wants to book a hunt where it is "excellent hunting."

Let me digress. Those of you that have bought my DVD "Handgunning Mule Deer and Pronghorn Antelope" have seen the numbers of antelope we used to have on The Durham Ranch.

For me now to say that the hunting there is "fair to good" is based on those past years. For public land and or most other ranches, it would be considered "great to excellent." It is all in how the comparisons are made.

I can pretty much assure you of a shot at a buck antelope if you book with me (assuming you shoot a handgun capable of making a 150 yard shot or a bit more.) I can not guarantee the quality but it will be a good representative (13" or better more than likely) of the species. You will see what I mean in the pictures posted here in the next week or so. The camaraderie will be unequaled and there will be a drawing for prizes.

I am being very very conservative, which is how I have always represented my hunts.

For the first ten of you that respond I will send you a copy of my DVD for $10, including shipping. Free if you book.