After reading these posts, I went and looked up the S&W 327 TRR8 you guys were referring to. My stars and bars!!! I dont question its value in the field it was designed for, but if there has been an uglier, more awkward looking production revolver produced in the last few years, I havent seen it! I love revolvers, and I like combat pistols set up for ...combat. But that S&W looks to me like the bastard child of two seperate species that should have never had a drink together! Its probably very effective, its also very, very ugly.

BRASFO311, your unit, in my opinion, has logical application. I agree with the others on feeling better with a more solid mount. Also, I would wonder about the possibility of a rail that is both shorter and stainless, to match the revolver itself.

If it were supposed to be easy, they'd have sent my little sister to do it.