I agree, the .44mag is definitely way more gun. I've had the Super Blackhawk for several years (it is a very lightly used un-modified 3-screw) and have put several boxes of shells through it. Sometimes I can get a pretty good group at 40 yards off of a bench, sometimes I cant keep them all on an 10" pie plate. When I shoot jacketed stuff it sometimes peppers my face with either powder or shaved jacket, I don't know which. I love the gun, the action is silky smooth and the trigger light, but I don't fully trust it any more. I know the problem is probably me and not the weapon, but I've been unable to work out the issues, or even figure out what they are. The Kimber goes bang every time and hits where I aim it. I trust it.

I had a FA83 in 454 that I did well with, but I was laid off from the oilfield for several months before this job, and had to liquidate some assets to feed the family and pay bills. Being back in bush Alaska, I'm really regretting that right now.

If it were supposed to be easy, they'd have sent my little sister to do it.