I appreciate all of the feedback and advice, guys. I don't take it lightly, and I listen to and consider all of it. I head back to Sitka in 3 weeks for the rest of my LEO training, another 15 weeks, so it looks like I will be missing all of this years hunting season after all. At least that will give me a chance to get ready for the spring hunt, which will be caribou and black bear. The .45acp will certainly be plenty for caribou, but I plan to have the .460 Rowland conversion by then.

I've taken this Kimber out and shot it a number of times since I was on here last, and the accuracy and reliability has just been incredible. It's just ..."right". Does that make sense? It just feels right. At 50 feet, standing and shooting off hand, I'm regularly punching out one big hole the size of a silver dollar. One reason I have never just gone ahead and "pulled the trigger" on hunting with a handgun was I never had one I felt I could shoot one well enough consistently. If I am able to maintain what I have with the .460, I should be good.

However, because of where I am and the size of some of my more formidable, furry neighbors, I've decided that I'll still carry the rifle along anyhow. Just in case.

It's .416 Rigby on a Ruger 77 RSM.

If it were supposed to be easy, they'd have sent my little sister to do it.