I had a 1" UltraDot on my 44 Redhawk, and currently have a 30mm UltraDot on my 4.75" Super Redhawk in 480 Ruger. So far the furtherest I have practiced with it is 65 yards, but no problem keeping 100% of my shots in a 5" target at that range, with most inside of 3 inches. I will be loading another 100 rounds soon to try out to 100 yards. Very fast and plenty accurate system.

My 44 Encore wears a 2x Nikon scope and it works well. I have shot deer as close as 18 yards with it, and on a bench I can shoot 3 into 2" or less at 100. I shot a coyote free handed at about 30 yards with this, but the red dots are easier without a rest than a scope for me.