Picked up a case of "buck fever" about a year ago. Not the kind with the shakes but the one where you envision a mature male whitetail in your crosshair. Had it so bad I contacted a mid-west outfitter for a chance at Iowa`s zone 5 but when I added up the cost of the hunt, out of state liscense, air fare, rented car
and dog watcher plus getting this soon to be 66 year old handgun hunter to follow through I was more then pleased to get a call from friend and ranch owner Mike Gee. He made me an offer on a 180 class whitetail that I could not refuse. I carried two handguns: FA`s 475 scoped 10" barrel shooting a 400gr XTP over 25.5grs of 296 to equal factory velocity and a FA`s 44mag with a 240gr XTP over a healthy dose of H-110. Both guns are super accurate..... As we crested a small hill the guide spotted the bucks antlers as he was bedded down in the golden rods. Rather then taking a chance and shooting through the tall weeds I made my way to a treestand about 100 yards away. The plan being to try and push the deer in my direction for a clear shot. You all know what happens to any plans a hunter makes with whitetail....
After closing the stands guard rail over me I signaled the guide to make his push. The buck jumped from his bed but ran behind my stand, which was in a thick pine tree, and stopped about 50 or so yards from me and watching the guide. I stood up and turned and with the scope set on 2x tried to place the crosshair on his vitals but the tall golden rods blocked his body for a clear shot. It was then that a gust of wind caused the golden rods to bend giving a clear path for the bullet that I made my offhand shot. The 400gr bullet entered high in front of the left shoulder, went through the heart and exited low on the right shoulder. With his front legs out of action he plowed his nose through the thickets for a short distance finally ending the hunt... You know there is a God after I took a moment to admire the beauty of one of His creature`s..... The backstraps were delicious.... Next morning had us in a 4-wheel open top vehicle with its windshield folded down and looking for doe. Covered a lot of ground in the machine when we came upon a lone doe and stopped about 50 yards away. Placed my sandbag rest on the windshield and made the shot placing the bullet on the left shoulder. She then made the mad dash to my left and as the driver lowered himself I tracked the doe, offhand, in my crosshair keeping the sight just in front of its chest and squeezed the trigger tumbling the deer dead. One of the best shots of my life.... The photo shows two bullet holes and if you were to straighten out the does head the two holes would be over the shoulder.......... Watch out for "buck fever". It can be contagious.....
PS bottom pic shows treestand ladder in lower circle and top circle where I made shot. Deer was next to tree at right..also hole in heart..

Life member-NRA-SCI
Member-HHI #2900-HHASA #067
Colt-Ruger-Freedom Arms-and S&W Collector Assoc.s
"I have more guns then I need but not as many as I want" "Handgun hunters HAVE to be good"