Guys we can all agree THERE AIN'T NO MAGIC BULLET OUT THERE!Some work better than others but it is still a Precision game. WE have to put the shot exactly where it is supposed to go.A cast wants a wide meplat to work to its full potential.A jacketed bullet needs to expand to work to its full potential.But put a semi wadcutter or a semi expanded jacketed thru the heart or front half of the lungs and both will kill. Any game animal can go a long ways with a perfect hit before it runs out of oxygen and dies .I track or backtrack every animal I shoot even when I see them fall.Sometimes the ability to track is just as important as the ability to shoot.The Noslers have shot well from my guns but have not used them for hunting. They should work fine if placed properly. Have a good season! AGAIN, THERE AIN'T NO MAGIC BULLETS

Last edited by junebug; 11/02/2016 2:06 PM.
