I really despise generalizations about certain groups of hunters because more times than not they are not accurate. I was out in Colorado one year a resident Hunter pulled a gun on another CO Hunter saying he stole his sons elk. The fact is the kid shot the bull then could not relocate it in the mean time these guys had gotten another elk away from the kids. But first guy and son sees these guys dragging out this elk accuses them of stealing the kids and pulls the gun to make his point. We found the kids elk a few days later bloated up. So even though both these guys were resident Colorado hunters it would foolish for me to generalize and say all Resident hunters are the reason hunting sucks. In this case the individual who drew the gun is a moron period nd of story.

Colorado has allot of private land prices are exhorbanant and out of reach there allot of huge bulls in Colorado on private huge ranches. Tax free land. land that belongs to tax payers but no access because money land locks it from Hunter access. Nope all sorts of issues in Colorado the least of which is non-resident hunters. I might also mention the total dollars that non-resident hunters contribute to the conservation of elk is very high compared to the amount resident hunters pay with regards to license and contribution to the local economies. Most non residents have a small window compared to resident guys specially with archery. So yea they may not have the high standards you do. Not unusual for a non resident to pay a trespass fee of 2-5K that's a pile of cash for dang ole elk.

So please keep the generalizations to yourself because they are founded in emotion and folklore.

Last edited by Ramjet-SS; 01/31/2017 12:21 AM.

You can't fix stupid!