I just got one of these, combination 62 birthday finished cancer treatment present to myself. Anyway, I love the way it handles and packs into my shoulder rig.

Still ringing out the "how does it shoot" stuff. I've been working on some practice loads, essentially slightly warm 45LC loads, far Trail Boss sucks with 250gr Laser Cast. Will try 10gr of 231 and see. I'd like to get around 1000fps so that there isn't too much POI between the plinking stuff and the serious 265 or 300 hammers.

As far as the 45ACP, well I've become obsessed with building my own shot shells out of 30-06 head stamp rifle brass, same size as 45ACP by the way, got'a love John Browning... I cut the rifle brass down to 1.2 inches, 45LC brass size, 6 gr 231, over card wad cut with 44 case, some #9 shot and over card set with caulk. Now these will fit into the Moon Clips but are FULL size shells, Could mix with some ACP too. I might try loading some ACP with 250gr cast as I am looking for a close range varmint squasher or "finisher" not a hunting or even defense load, have other guns for that sort of thing.

Would I recommend this beauty for a curser, well that's what I got mine for, Montana is bear country, the east has lots of snakes to scare the crap out of you during spring and summer fishing, this could be my "perfect" do it all. Hope springs eternal for a new gun doesn't it?

Have Fun! I know I will!