Yesterday afternoon on the way home from work I descided to do a little sneak and peak on a food plot. Temperature was dropping (43 at 4:15). I snuck into my lttle nest beside the tree and began glassing deer.I was watching some does at about 200 yards thinking about shooting them and about convinced myself not to when a big ol doe comes walking out 20 yards in front of me. Close enough where you don't even need any shooting sticks. She stands there broadside begging me to shoot her. Finally I can't stand it and say okay, she's going home in the truck. I cock the hammer on the 7x30.You know the sound a that tells the deer to just go jump in the truck because they know they are dead. I settle the cross hairs and sqeeze the trigger, snap. I thought what, why no bang, why no dead deer? The doe jumps and looks dead at the fat man in the trees. I'm thinking didn't I load it, as I open the gun, yes it is loaded. About this time she's doing the head jive and stomping her foot, but still there. I think my stupid reload is a dud. I reload, put the cross hairs on her again and snap. What the...... I'm besides myself. After the second snap she runs off and then stands there and blows at me. I was dumbfounded, degected, and cursing my own reloads. I walked back to the truck and drove home. I was telling my wife about it when it hit me like a ton of bricks. You dummy, you just swapped the .22lr barrel off the gun. Yep, you do have to make the change from rimfire to center fire when you swap the barrels like that. So hand me my sign. LOL I never had that problem when all I had to handgun hunt with was a .44 SBH.

If I was Better I'd be twins Official "Hippie" had my hip replaced August 2005