Squirrel season opened this morning. They've really changed their traveling habits since the spring season. However, I started hearing the distinctive sound of a squirrel munching on something nearby. As I approached, a gray squirrel fled past me, too quickly to get a shot at him. It was apparent where he had been eating. There were two walnut trees barely thirty feet apart. While I waited under one, a fox squirrel began leaping toward me. I missed him the first time, and he started chattering loudly while leaping into the walnut tree. It was only when he had moved to the trunk ten feet directly above me that I had another opportunity. I hit him between his eyes, slightly closer to his left eye, and quickly stepped back as he fell. Still got hit with a few drops of blood.

I only saw one other squirrel, but I at least I've found a good place to set up for future hunts.

Formerly TN Lone Wolf

"We are only as strong as we are united, as weak as we are divided." - J.K. Rowling