Originally Posted By: s4s4u
....haven't decided if I'm taking the 45LC Blackhawk or the 357 GP100....

Well you do have 2 tags so the answer is obvious.....BOTH ;-)

I know, I think that where I'm at because I can't make up my mind. It's not strictly a handgun only hunt for me personally, I'm leaving behind my '06 rifle and taking my open sighted '94 30-30. The handgun was going to be for my second deer tag, but I may just take both pistols and be done with it. Also wolf tags are $38 and they are plentiful in our area, but nerves may get the best of me there and he may get the rifle treatment. Either way I'm getting at least one handgun kill in on this trip, deer tags are either sex, so lessens the pressure some, allows me to pick my shots or pass my shots easier.

Choot em!