What ive found on my hunts is that i just find em on the offside hide. Mt lion thru both shoulders spine and in offside hide. I wouldve been more cautious had is seen that first but i used em on big stuff and they worked down from there. Just keep finding them in offside hide. Same with my cousins lion kudu etc. nothing beats the wound channel and ive never had to track one at all. I do see how it would make someone used to solids feel a little nervous with it being in the offside hide. This is just common sense. A great example of this is the 210 gr aframe. Got a complete pass thru on a bison and then shot an axis buck thru the shoulders and then found it on the offside hide. Great wound channels on both though. Dead critters quickly. I felt bad about the barnes on offside hide of the mt lion but then on another forum saw a post a perfectly intact 435gr 500 linebaugh hardcast with similiar placement in the offside hide. Who knows, but i think we should shoot more stuff and post our results 😀